In County Interlibrary Loan
If you cannot find the item you are looking for on the shelf at Prospect Community Library, we may still be able to get it for you through interlibrary loan (ILL). Search our catalog to see if we have it. If not, see if it is owned by any of the other libraries in the county. If they do, please see the front desk to ask for a hold on the item.
These usually take one to two days, except during weekends or holidays
You will be called or emailed when the item arrives and will have three days to materials to be picked up
These items will be held at the circulation desk
Our usual renewal and late fee policies apply
Items may be returned at the front desk, the drop box, or at any BCFLS library
Out of County Interlibrary Loan
If we don't have the item you are looking for in any Butler County libraries, we may still be able to get it for you through Access PA. Access PA is a special service the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Library provides to library patrons. Prospect Community Library borrows materials for short-term use from other public, university, and special libraries from across the state of Pennsylvania. Because these materials belong to another library we have special restrictions and deadlines that must be adhered to by our patrons. ILL must be requested by library personnel, but you may check for availability here.
Items requested through interlibrary loan usually arrive in 1-3 weeks. Please take into consideration these time constraints when placing your requests.
Patrons may request up to three items through out of county interlibrary loan
Items take an average of two weeks to arrive
You will be called when the item arrives and it will be held at the front desk for three days
Renewals may be requested, but there is no guarantee that the owning library will allow the renewal
Late fees are $1/day
Borrowing is jeopardized by tardiness
Items must be returned to the library that made the request
Donations for this service are not mandatory, but always welcome