2024 Summer Reading
Program for Children
Summer Reading Quest Sheet

Manic Monday Adventures
If evenings are good for you, you can join us Mondays at 6:00pm for Summer Reading themed adventures.
6/10 Evening Storytime : Travel Adventures
6/17 Movie Night : Wild Kratts "Lost at Sea"
6/24 Learn to be a Paleontologist (all day) : stop in any time between 10am and 7pm to dig up some dinosaur bones and read about paleontologists!
7/8 Evening Storytime : Adventures in the Dark
7/15 Camping at the Library (all day): stop in any time between 10am and 7pm to create some camping crafts, read a book in our tent and make a yummy snack.
7/22 Movie Night : Wild Kratts "Adventures on the Savannah"
7/29 Evening Storytime: Ocean Adventures

Together Tuesdays
Let's come together during Together Tuesdays!
All programs begin at 11:00am at the library, unless otherwise noted.
Registration is required for all highlighted programs.
Registration for these events will open Monday, June 10, 2024.
6/11: Mad Science of Pittsburgh
* Located at Prospect Fire Hall
6/18: LEGO Adventures
6/20: Introductory Weaving Class
6/25: Leap Into Science
* Located at Prospect Fire Hall
7/9: Moraine Scavenger Hike
* Held at Pavilion 7, McDanel’s Area
North Shore, Moraine State Park
7/16: Tiger Stuffed Animal Workshop
* $5.00 per tiger
* 30 participant max
* Located at Prospect Fire Hall
7/23: Introductory Weaving Class
7/30: Adventures at Jennings
* meet at the park office at Jennings Environmental Center
8/7: Magic Show with Steve Haberman and end of summer picnic
* Located at Prospect Fire Hall

Wacky Wednesday Story Times
If mornings are good for you, join us on Wednesdays at 11:00am for Summer Reading themed adventures that include stories, rhymes, songs, and a craft activity.
6/12: Air Adventures
6/26: Adventures Close to Home
7/10: Adventures in Nature
7/17: Ocean Adventures
7/24: Adventures on Wheels
7/31: Adventures in Imagination
STEM and LEGO/Building Challenges
Come into the library for weekly STEM and LEGO/Building Challenges - or email us and we'll send them to you! Work at your own pace here or at home, using household materials and all sorts of building items. Complete one challenge of each type per week. You can send us pictures if you complete them at home.

PBS Library Explorers
Visit or virtually tour libraries in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, and Westmoreland Counties and make a PBS character badge for your Library Explorer lanyard. As part of our Summer Reading Program, you get a ticket for every library you explore. Go to the PBS Library Explorers website to get started.